Solid Oak Four Poster Beds & The Oak we use to make our hardwood beds

Solid Oak Four Poster Beds & The Oak we use to make our hardwood beds

Oak for the making of our beautiful four posters and bespoke hardwood beds.

We thought you’d like to see the oak that we use to make our hardwood four poster beds and also how it arrives at our bed workshop. It's shown sitting outside our bed workshop as it has just been unloaded off the sawmills delivery lorry. As you can see it arrives in its natural raw state. We mostly use kiln dried prime oak, this is much more expensive than cheaper character grade oak although we need to use this highest grade oak to ensure the highest quality standards for our beds.

We have a lot of preparation to do to the oak before we can start making bed components as it arrives in its raw state just sliced into oak boards. We have have large machines that we use to help us with this process.

As you can see we use extremely good quality timber in our bed making process to ensure the end result is an amazing bespoke quality bed. Every board is hand selected from the boule for a specific component thus when your bed is complete, it really is apparent that there’s a person behind the making of your Abowed bed who carefully works on your particular bed from start to finish, taking much pride in the making your very special bed.